Plot 6, Academy Close Nabuti Road Mukono Town

+256 392 178 204

+256 200 906662

Plot 6, Academy Close Nabuti Road Mukono Town

Slow Food Gardens

Slow Food Gardens

These gardens are concrete models of sustainable agriculture, attentive to different conditions (environmental, social, cultural) and easily replicable.

Slow Food works to support African biodiversity and the right to food sovereignty, recovering traditional production and bringing local food back on the market, in homes and schools. Creating a garden is both a concrete act and of high symbolic value: it helps to solve the problem of malnutrition and to defend the right to land and food sovereignty. A garden is also a force for change in countries torn by conflicts, and who also pay the high price of climate changes. Gardens are a stronghold against land-grabbing, the indiscriminate grabbing of land that deprives local populations of fundamental resources, forcing them to emigrate.