Slow Food Uganda Launches My Food My Identity Campaign
22nd May 2023
In celebration of the International Day for Biological Diversity, Slow Food Uganda is launching My Food My Identity campaign on 22nd May 2023. As part of our commitment to promoting sustainable food sources, preserving cultural and biological diversity and celebrating the culture of indigenous communities, Slow Food Uganda will be running a campaign to promote local, traditional and indigenous food. This campaign will be significant in reminding people that food can be used as a bridge between different cultures and people groups; it has the power to bring communities together while also celebrating individual identities within those communities.
The campaign is designed to celebrate and promote diversity in food culture and support small-scale agroecological producers who rely on their traditional knowledge for growing or harvesting unique ingredients that have been passed down through generations. The campaign looks at having indigenous foods to be accessible not only in remote areas where they are produced but also in cities and towns across the country so that more people can experience them at firsthand.
“We believe that food is more than just sustenance; it is a fundamental part of our cultural identity. Through ‘My Food My Identity’, we aim to promote food sovereignty and support local food systems, while also highlighting the vital role that indigenous knowledge and practices play in creating sustainable and biodiverse food systems,” comments Edward Mukiibi, President Slow Food International and Executive Director Slow Food Uganda.
By supporting this initiative, you’re helping us ensure access to diverse nutritious meals while preserving cultural heritage and protecting biodiversity at its source, something everyone should benefit from! Plus, by purchasing, products made with these special ingredients you’ll be able to enjoy delicious dishes while learning about different cultures too! Therefore, Slow Food Uganda invites us to join the campaign by engaging in the following activities:
Social Media Posts: Create social media posts that highlight different aspects of indigenous food, such as the history, culture and health benefits. Always use hashtag #MyFoodMyIdentity
Blog posts: Create blog posts that discuss the significance of indigenous food and provide educational resources on the topic. These will be shared on the website, social media and through email newsletters.
Indigenous Food Challenge: Encourage people to try to take selfies/photos while holding indigenous foods from their localities and share their experience on social media using the Hashtag #MyFoodMyIdentity
The Call to Action for the campaign:
– Support small-scale agroecological food producers by shopping locally from the Slow Food Earth Markets and other agroecological/organic markets
– Identify more indigenous foods at risk of extinction and share information about them
– Share your indigenous food stories from your places of origin using hashtag #MyFoodMyIdentity. Let’s inspire each other as we revive our forgotten heritage.
– Learn about the rich history and cultural significance of local, traditional and indigenous foods.
– Donate to our cause to support the preservation and promotion of indigenous food cultures and help us promote food sovereignty.
– Join us in celebrating indigenous food heritage! Share your favorite indigenous food recipes on social media using hashtag #MyFoodMyIdentity
– Support local food entrepreneurs and cooks by visiting local-owned food businesses and restaurants in the informal sector.
– Host an indigenous food gathering to share your love for indigenous cuisine and learn from others. Share your experience with us using the hashtag #MyFoodMyIdentity
– Collaborate with chefs/cooks or community members to create recipe videos showcasing indigenous ingredients and traditional cooking methods. These will be shared on social media and YouTube channels.
– Host virtual cooking classes to teach people how to make indigenous dishes. Partners and the members of the Slow Food Cooks Alliance will provide expertise and outreach.
For further information, please contact us:
Slow Food Uganda
Plot 6, Academy close, Nabuti road, Mukono Town
P.O.Box 259 Mukono
Tel: 0392178294
Head of Programs:
John Kiwagalo
Tel: +256701112627 / +256777535575
Communication Assistant
Hannington Kisakye
Tel: +256706610020