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Slow Food Communities

Only by radically renewing the organization of Slow Food, only by making it more open and inclusive, and only by trying out new forms of aggregation, involvement and participation can we address the challenges that await us in the future in the best way possible and thwart those—the very few—who possess power and wealth and decide the fate of the world’s food and of humanity itself. They are giants but we are a multitude!

Declaration of Chengdu, October 2017

We are a global network of local communities who are united by the will to:
– Defend biodiversity
– Educate the wider world
– Sustain our efforts and influence the public and private sectors
…in order to achieve a food, clean and fair food system for all.

If you share our vision and want to be a part of the change, join our network by creating a Slow Food Community.

You don’t need to be an expert, we need the help of everybody to change the world!

What is a Slow Food Community?

Made up of a group of at least 10 people who share and promote the values of the international Slow Food movement (as summed up in the Declaration of Chengdu), a community is based first and foremost on the assumption that everyone has the right to good, clean and fair food and that Slow Food will not give up the fight until every last person on this planet has access to it.

A community is started with a founding declaration, in which the members state:

  • their adhesion to the ideals of Slow Food and the principles of the Chengdu Declaration;
  • the commitment and the objective that the community has set itself in order to promote the shared vision in their own local area and context;
  • the activities, initiatives and projects that the community is planning to carry out to realize its objective;
  • the contribution that the community will make to support the Slow Food International network’s strategic projects (PresidiaArk of Taste, food gardens, campaigns).


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