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Slow Food Uganda is part of Slow Food international, an association founded in 1989 that pursues cultural, environmental and social objectives that develop around the central role that food plays in our lives, facilitating and promoting the creation of a network of local food communities in both the global north and south.

These communities share the association’s principles and cultivate common interests, starting with food production and consumption systems and promoting ways of life that respect all people and the social, cultural, and environmental contexts in which they live and work. In Uganda, Sow Food has been active since 2006 working on projects like; the food communities, presidia, 10,000 gardens and empowering regional coordinators in order to promote the right to good, clean, and fair food for everyone at all times.

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good because it is healthy as well as having enjoyable sensory qualities;

clean because it is mindful of the environment and animal welfare;

fair because it is respectful of the work of the people who produce, process, and distribute it.

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With 6 presidia and 310 food gardens, Slow Food Uganda defends the right to food sovereignty for all people and safeguards biodiversity and traditional food value chains. We have developed a strong network in Central Uganda, a sturdy, credible presence in Western and Eastern Uganda and laid new strategies in the Northern. In line with our global strategy, Slow Food Uganda addresses all aspects of food value chains, believes in diversity and works with all people working in their different capacities and capabilities towards building a better food system.
Thanks to the three Earths Markets of Mukono-wakiso and Manafwa and Lira-Amach launched in 2015 and 2017 respectively, Slow Food Uganda resist injustices subjected to small scale food producers by the Industrial Food system and middlemen. We engage with producers, retailers, chefs and consumers in a holistic way and for this reason Slow Food Uganda has developed a local network involving all stakeholders who share the belief that agro biodiversity maintenance, economic development and poverty reduction are mutually supportive objectives, which can be achieved by the sound management of agro biodiversity resources.
In 2015 Slow Food Uganda was officially registered by the Uganda Registration Service Bureau and launched by its wide network of over 10,000 food activists from all over Uganda.


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