Plot 6, Academy Close Nabuti Road Mukono Town

+256 392 178 204

+256 200 906662

Plot 6, Academy Close Nabuti Road Mukono Town

Sarah Nkabi: The Rising Agroecological Entrepreneur in Uganda

In 2019, Sarah Nkabi joined the Slow Food Mukono Earth Market in Uganda as an urban producer selling seedlings, row fruits, and spice products. At that time, she had no idea that her humble beginnings at the market would lead to a successful agroecological enterprise.

The Slow Food Earth Market is one of the Slow Food’s initiatives that aim to promote access to fresh and healthy food for all, with a focus on small-scale, agroecological farmers and their communities.

Sarah, a Ugandan woman from Mukono district, was introduced to agroecology during the Slow Food Annual Coffee Festival that was held at the Mukono District Headquarters in 2018. She had been passionate about growing crops and learning about sustainable farming practices for many years. Despite her passion for agroecology, Sarah faced significant challenges in starting her own business due to limited resources and lack of expertise. However, when she joined the Slow Food Earth Market, she found a supportive community of like-minded individuals who shared her passion and were willing to help each other learn and grow. With the help of her colleagues and the capacity building training sessions offered by Slow Food Uganda, Sarah was able to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to start her own successful agroecological enterprise.

After several months of participating in the Slow Food Earth Market, Sarah’s products gained popularity among consumers who appreciated the freshness, quality, and unique taste of her food products. Slow Food Uganda also saw her potential as a leading agroecological entrepreneur and offered her training and mentoring to improve her business skills and expand her networks.

Today, Sarah owns a shop in Mukono, where she sells her value-added agroecological products. Her business has grown to include sales to restaurants and hotels in town. She also shares her knowledge and skills with other small-scale farmers who want to learn about agroecology and value addition.

As the demand for her high-quality products grew, Sarah found it challenging to keep up with the supply using only her own farm. To ensure that she is meeting the needs of her customers without compromising on quality, Sarah has begun sourcing some of her ingredients from her fellow agroecological producers who are also part of the Slow Food Uganda communities. By collaborating with other like-minded farmers, Sarah is supporting the larger agroecological movement while also delivering fresh products to consumers who care about the environmental and social impact of their food choices.

Through her hard work and dedication, Sarah has become an outstanding agroecological entrepreneur. She has created jobs, improved her income and the income of her suppliers, and contributed to the promotion of sustainable, healthy, and fair food systems in Uganda.

Slow Food Uganda continues to support Sarah and other agroecological entrepreneurs in the country by linking them to markets, providing training and mentoring, and advocating for policies that support small-scale farmers. Sarah’s story is proof that with the right support and resources, anyone can become a successful and sustainable agroecological entrepreneur.



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